This guide offers insights into each supported provider, enabling you to leverage Cloudlist’s capabilities to their fullest extent for comprehensive asset visibility and control.

Major Cloud Providers

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Supported AWS Assets:

Example Config: Amazon Web Services can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: aws # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  # aws_access_key is the access key for AWS account
  aws_access_key: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY
  # aws_secret_key is the secret key for AWS account
  aws_secret_key: $AWS_SECRET_KEY
  # aws_session_token session token for temporary security credentials retrieved via STS (optional)
  aws_session_token: $AWS_SESSION_TOKEN

aws_access_key and aws_secret_key can be generated in the IAM console. We recommend creating a new IAM user with Read Only permissions and providing the access token for the user.

Scopes Required: Read EC2, Route53, S3



GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

Supported GCP Assets:

  • Cloud DNS
  • GKE

Example Config:

Google Cloud Platform can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: gcp # provider is the name of the provider
  # profile is the name of the provider profile
  id: logs
  # gcp_service_account_key is the minified json of a google cloud service account with list permissions
  gcp_service_account_key: '{xxxxxxxxxxxxx}'

gcp_service_account_key can be retrieved by creating a new service account. To do so, create service account with Read Only access to cloudresourcemanager and dns scopes in IAM. Next, generate a new account key for the Service Account by following steps in Reference 2. This should give you a json which can be pasted in a single line in the gcp_service_account_key.

Scopes Required: Cloud DNS, GKE




Supported Azure Assets:

  • Virtual Machines

Example Config:

Microsoft Azure can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: azure # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  # client_id is the client ID of registered application of the azure account (not requuired if using cli auth)
  client_id: $AZURE_CLIENT_ID
  # client_secret is the secret ID of registered application of the zure account (not requuired if using cli uth)
  client_secret: $AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
  # tenant_id is the tenant ID of registered application of the azure account (not requuired if using cli auth)
  tenant_id: $AZURE_TENANT_ID
  #subscription_id is the azure subscription id
  subscription_id: $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
  #use_cli_auth if set to true cloudlist will use azure cli auth
  use_cli_auth: true

tenant_id, client_id, client_secret can be obtained/generated from All services > Azure Active Directory > App registrations subscription_id can be retrieved from All services > Subscriptions

To use cli auth set use_cli_auth value to true and run az login in the terminal



Alibaba Cloud

Suppoted Alibaba Cloud Assets:

  • ECS Instances

Example Config:

Alibaba Cloud can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: alibaba # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  # alibaba_region_id is the region id of the resources
  alibaba_region_id: $ALIBABA_REGION_ID
  # alibaba_access_key is the access key ID for alibaba cloud account
  alibaba_access_key: $ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY
  # alibaba_access_key_secret is the secret access key for alibaba cloud account
  alibaba_access_key_secret: $ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET

Alibaba Cloud Access Key ID and Secret can be created by visiting



VPS & PaaS Hosting Providers

DO (DigitalOcean)

Supported DigitalOcean Assets:

  • Instances

Example Config:

Digitalocean can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: do # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: xxxx
  # digitalocean_token is the API key for digitalocean cloud platform
  digitalocean_token: $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN

digitalocean_token can be generated from the Digitalocean Control Panel. We recommend only giving Read Access to the token.



SCW (Scaleway)

Supported Scaleway Assets:

  • Instances

Example Config:

Scaleway can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: scw # provider is the name of the provider
  # scaleway_access_key is the access key for scaleway API
  scaleway_access_key: $SCALEWAY_ACCESS_KEY
  # scaleway_access_token is the access token for scaleway API
  scaleway_access_token: $SCALEWAY_ACCESS_TOKEN

scaleway_access_key and scaleway_access_token can be generated from the Credentials Options in scaleway console.

References -



Supported Heroku Assets:

  • Applications

Example Config:

Heroku can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: heroku # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  # heroku_api_token is the api key for Heroku account
  heroku_api_token: $HEROKU_API_TOKEN

heroku_api_token can be generated from

It can also be created with the Heroku CLI by running:

$ heroku authorizations:create -d "brief description of token"
Creating OAuth Authorization... done
Client:      <none>
ID:          a6e98151-f242-4592-b107-25fbac5ab410
Description: brief description of token
Scope:       global
Token:       cf0e05d9-4eca-4948-a012-b9xxxxxxxxxx
Updated at:  Fri Jun 16 2021 13:26:56 GMT-0700 (PDT) (less than a minute ago)




Supported Linode Assets:

  • Instances

Example Config:

Linode can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: linode # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  # linode_personal_access_token is the personal access token for linode account
  linode_personal_access_token: $LINODE_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN

linode_personal_access_token can be created from Minimum scope needed is Read Only for Linodes resource.



CDN & DNS Management


Supported Fastly Assets:

  • Services

Example Config:

Fastly can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- # provider is the name of the provider
 provider: fastly
 # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
 id: staging
 # fastly_api_key is the personal API token for fastly account
 fastly_api_key: $FASTLY_API_KEY

fastly_api_key can be generated from

References -



Supported Namecheap Assets:

  • Domain List

Example Config:

Namecheap can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: namecheap # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  # namecheap_api_key is the api key for namecheap account
  namecheap_api_key: $NAMECHEAP_API_KEY
  # namecheap_user_name is the username of the namecheap account
  namecheap_user_name: $NAMECHEAP_USER_NAME

Namecheap API Access can be enabled by visiting and then:

  • Toggle ON API Access switch
  • Add your public IP to Whitelistted IPs


    • Enabling API Access
    • Whitelisting IP


Supported Cloudflare Assets:

  • DNS

Example Config:

Cloudflare can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: cloudflare # provider is the name of the provider
  # email is the email for cloudflare
  email: $CF_EMAIL
  # api_key is the api_key for cloudflare
  api_key: $CF_API_KEY
  # api_token is the scoped_api_token for cloudflare (optional)
  api_token: $CF_API_TOKEN

api_key can be generated from Cloudflare API Key manager. It needs to be Global API Key due to limitation of cloudflare new API tokens.



Hetzner Cloud

Supported Hetzner Cloud Assets:

  • Instances

Example Config:

Hetzner Cloud can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: hetzner # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  # auth_token is the is the hetzner authentication token
  auth_token: $HETZNER_AUTH_TOKEN



Infrastructure Automation & Management

Kubernetes (K8s)

Supported Kubernetes Assets:

  • Services
  • Ingresses

Example Config:

To integrate Kubernetes, utilize the configuration block outlined below. This block allows you to specify Kubernetes connection details either through a file path or directly by providing the encoded kubeconfig content. If both kubeconfig_file and kubeconfig_encoded are specified, the kubeconfig_encoded will take precedence.

- provider: kubernetes # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name of the provider id
  id: staging
  # kubeconfig_file is the path of kubeconfig file
  kubeconfig: path/to/kubeconfig
  # context is the context to be used from kubeconfig file
  context: <context-name>



Hashicorp Tools

With Cloudlist you can get assets from nomad, consul and terraform. Cloudlist can query Nomad and Consul directly, and will use the Terraform state file to list Terraform created assets.


Hashicorp Nomad can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

Example Config:

- provider: nomad # provider is the name of the provider
  # nomad_url is the url for nomad server
  nomad_url: http:/
  # nomad_ca_file is the path to nomad CA file
  # nomad_ca_file: <path-to-ca-file>.pem
  # nomad_cert_file is the path to nomad Certificate file
  # nomad_cert_file: <path-to-cert-file>.pem
  # nomad_key_file is the path to nomad Certificate Key file
  # nomad_key_file: <path-to-key-file>.pem
  # nomad_token is the nomad authentication token
  # nomad_token: <nomad-token>
  # nomad_http_auth is the nomad http auth value
  # nomad_http_auth: <nomad-http-auth-value>

Specifying https in the nomad_url automatically turns SSL to on. All the fields are optional except the nomad_url.




Hashicorp Consul can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

Example Config:

- provider: consul # provider is the name of the provider
  # consul_url is the url for consul server
  consul_url: http://localhost:8500/
  # consul_ca_file is the path to consul CA file
  # consul_ca_file: <path-to-ca-file>.pem
  # consul_cert_file is the path to consul Certificate file
  # consul_cert_file: <path-to-cert-file>.pem
  # consul_key_file is the path to consul Certificate Key file
  # consul_key_file: <path-to-key-file>.pem
  # consul_http_token is the consul authentication token
  # consul_http_token: <consul-token>
  # consul_http_auth is the consul http auth value
  # consul_http_auth: <consul-http-auth-value>

Specifying https in the consul_url automatically turns SSL to on. All the fields are optional except the consul_url.




Example Config:

Terraform can be integrated by using the following configuration block.

- provider: terraform # provider is the name of the provider
  # id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
  id: staging
  #tf_state_file is the location of terraform state file (terraform.tfsate) 
  tf_state_file: path/to/terraform.tfstate


Supported OpenStack Assets:

  • Instances

Example Config:

- provider: openstack # provider is the name of the provider
 # id is the name of the provider id
 id: staging
 # identity_endpoint is OpenStack identity endpoint used to authenticate
 identity_endpoint: $OS_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT
 # domain_name is OpenStack domain name used to authenticate
 domain_name: $OS_DOMAIN_NAME
 # tenant_name is OpenStack project name
 tenant_name: $OS_TENANT_NAME
 # username is OpenStack username used to authenticate
 username: $OS_USERNAME
 # password is OpenStack password used to authenticate
 password: $OS_PASSWORD