Get Scans Result Filters
Get users scan-result filters
Retrieve the Team ID from:
Query Parameters
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set
The numbers of items to return
specific scan_id results filters
comma separated severity e.g. severities=info,high
comma separated templates e.g. templates=tech-detect,azure-takeover
comma separated host e.g. hosts=,
search term
type of filter
filter by time ( last_day, last_week, last_month )
comma separated vuln_status e.g vuln_status=open,fixed
comma separated ascending sorting e.g sort_asc=created_at,severity
comma separated descending sorting e.g sort_desc=created_at,severity
comma separated tags e.g tags=xss,cve
comma separated hosts that should not be returned e.g. not_hosts=,
comma separated severity that should not be returned e.g. not_severity=info,high
comma separated templates that should not be returned e.g. not_templates=tech-detect,azure-takeover
filter by comma separated labels e.g labels=p1,p2
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