Javascript Helper Functions
Available JS Helper Functions that can be used in global js runtime & protocol specific helpers.
Javascript Runtime
Name | Description | Signatures |
atob | Base64 decodes a given string | atob(string) string |
btoa | Base64 encodes a given string | bota(string) string |
to_json | Converts a given object to JSON | to_json(any) object |
dump_json | Prints a given object as JSON in console | dump_json(any) |
to_array | Sets/Updates objects prototype to array to enable Array.XXX functions | to_array(any) array |
hex_to_ascii | Converts a given hex string to ascii | hex_to_ascii(string) string |
Rand | Rand returns a random byte slice of length n | Rand(n int) []byte |
RandInt | RandInt returns a random int | RandInt() int |
log | log prints given input to stdout with [JS] prefix for debugging purposes | log(msg string) , log(msg map[string]interface{}) |
getNetworkPort | getNetworkPort registers defaultPort and returns defaultPort if it is a colliding port with other protocols | getNetworkPort(port string, defaultPort string) string |
isPortOpen | isPortOpen checks if given TCP port is open on host. timeout is optional and defaults to 5 seconds | isPortOpen(host string, port string, [timeout int]) bool |
isUDPPortOpen | isUDPPortOpen checks if the given UDP port is open on the host. Timeout is optional and defaults to 5 seconds. | isUDPPortOpen(host string, port string, [timeout int]) bool |
ToBytes | ToBytes converts given input to byte slice | ToBytes(...interface{}) []byte |
ToString | ToString converts given input to string | ToString(...interface{}) string |
Export | Converts a given value to a string and is appended to output of script | Export(value any) |
ExportAs | Exports given value with specified key and makes it available in DSL and response | ExportAs(key string,value any) |
Template Flow
Name | Description | Signatures |
log | Logs a given object/message to stdout (only for debugging purposes) | log(obj any) any |
iterate | Normalizes and Iterates over all arguments (can be a string,array,null etc) and returns an array of objects\nNote: If the object type is unknown(i.e could be a string or array) iterate should be used and it will always return an array of strings | iterate(...any) []any |
Dedupe | De-duplicates given values and returns a new array of unique values | new Dedupe() |
Code Protocol
Name | Description | Signatures |
OS | OS returns the current OS | OS() string |
IsLinux | IsLinux checks if the current OS is Linux | IsLinux() bool |
IsWindows | IsWindows checks if the current OS is Windows | IsWindows() bool |
IsOSX | IsOSX checks if the current OS is OSX | IsOSX() bool |
IsAndroid | IsAndroid checks if the current OS is Android | IsAndroid() bool |
IsIOS | IsIOS checks if the current OS is IOS | IsIOS() bool |
IsJS | IsJS checks if the current OS is JS | IsJS() bool |
IsFreeBSD | IsFreeBSD checks if the current OS is FreeBSD | IsFreeBSD() bool |
IsOpenBSD | IsOpenBSD checks if the current OS is OpenBSD | IsOpenBSD() bool |
IsSolaris | IsSolaris checks if the current OS is Solaris | IsSolaris() bool |
Arch | Arch returns the current architecture | Arch() string |
Is386 | Is386 checks if the current architecture is 386 | Is386() bool |
IsAmd64 | IsAmd64 checks if the current architecture is Amd64 | IsAmd64() bool |
IsARM | IsArm checks if the current architecture is Arm | IsARM() bool |
IsARM64 | IsArm64 checks if the current architecture is Arm64 | IsARM64() bool |
IsWasm | IsWasm checks if the current architecture is Wasm | IsWasm() bool |
JavaScript Protocol
Name | Description | Signatures |
set | set variable from init code. this function is available in init code block only | set(string, interface{}) |
updatePayload | update/override any payload from init code. this function is available in init code block only | updatePayload(string, interface{}) |
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