Explore ProjectDiscovery’s pricing plans designed for every security team
Note for Individual Researchers & Pentesters: Our Pro tier is specifically designed for organizations and teams. If you’re an individual researcher or pentester, we recommend sticking with our Free tier while we actively develop more individual-focused features. We believe in being transparent - if a feature you need isn’t available in the Free tier yet, our open-source tools might be a better fit for now. We’re working hard to expand our Free tier capabilities!
Feature | Free | Pro | Enterprise |
Monthly Domain Discovery | 10 | 100 | Custom limit |
Vulnerability Scanning | Not available | 1,000 unique assets | Custom limit |
Template Access | Public | Public | Public + Real-time auto scan |
API Access | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Reporting | - | ✓ | ✓ |
Reconnaissance | Basic | Advanced | Custom |
Vulnerability AI Automation | 1000 per month | 1000 per month | Custom limit |
Port Scanning | Top 10 | Full Range | Full Range |
Internal Network Scanning | - | - | ✓ |
Retention Policies | 30 days | 1 year | Custom |
User Seats | 1 | Up to 10 | Custom |
Team Workspaces | 1 | 2 | Custom |
Auto Vulnerability Retest | - | ✓ | ✓ |
Auto Vulnerability Regression | - | ✓ | ✓ |
Vulnerability Scan Logs | - | ✓ | ✓ |
SSO/SAML | - | Add on | ✓ |
RBAC | - | Available | Available |
Team Audit Logs | - | - | ✓ |
Integrations | - | ✓ | ✓ |
Account Management | - | - | Dedicated TAM |
Pricing | Free | $2,500/year + Add on | Custom Quote |
Getting Started
- Free Plan: Start Now - No credit card required
- Pro Plan: Upgrade to Pro - Instant access to hosted vulnerability scanning capabilities.
- Enterprise: Contact Sales - Custom solution design
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How is our billing structured and managed?
- Free Tier: Sign up and use basic features forever - no credit card needed.
- Professional Plan: $2,500/year. Automated billing with usage reports.
- Enterprise: Customized billing arrangements including volume-based pricing, multi-year agreements, and flexible payment schedules aligned with your fiscal planning.
Q: What payment methods and billing processes do you support?
- Professional Plan: All major credit cards, automated recurring billing with detailed invoices and usage metrics.
- Enterprise: Comprehensive payment options including wire transfer, purchase orders, ACH/direct debit, and custom contract arrangements.
Q: How do you calculate and track asset usage?
- Each unique hostname/IP:port combination counts as one distinct asset
- Additional scans of the same asset do not count against your quota within the same billing cycle.
- The billing cycle is monthly, and your asset consumption resets to zero at the beginning of each billing cycle.
- Once your asset consumption reaches your plan limit, you cannot add new assets for scanning if the number of remaining available assets is lower than the number of new assets you wish to scan.
- If new assets discovered during scans exceed your current asset limit, those additional assets will be skipped. Scans themselves will not fail or stop unexpectedly; they will simply continue scanning assets within your allowable quota.
- You can monitor your real-time asset consumption through the Usage dashboard under settings.
Recommendation: For larger teams or organizations managing a higher number of assets, it is generally recommended to choose the Enterprise plan. This plan provides greater flexibility, and assets exceeding your quota are not skipped, ensuring uninterrupted coverage. The Enterprise plan simplifies management and ensures continuous scanning without the need for manual adjustments or concerns about assets being skipped. The Pro plan is typically best suited for smaller teams or those monitoring and protecting fewer assets.
Q: What security certifications and compliance standards do you maintain?
Visit our Trust Center for detailed information about our security practices and certifications:
- SOC 2 Type II certified with annual audits
- Regular penetration testing
- Enterprise customers receive access to our security documentation portal including:
- Audit reports
- Security questionnaire responses
- Compliance certifications
- Security documentations
Need more detailed information about our enterprise capabilities? Contact our sales team for an in-depth technical discussion and custom solution design.
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