
HTTP Pipelining support has been added which allows multiple HTTP requests to be sent on the same connection inspired from http-desync-attacks-request-smuggling-reborn.

Before running HTTP pipelining based templates, make sure the running target supports HTTP Pipeline connection, otherwise nuclei engine fallbacks to standard HTTP request engine.

If you want to confirm the given domain or list of subdomains supports HTTP Pipelining, httpx has a flag -pipeline to do so.

An example configuring showing pipelining attributes of nuclei.

    unsafe: true
    pipeline: true
    pipeline-concurrent-connections: 40
    pipeline-requests-per-connection: 25000

An example template demonstrating pipelining capabilities of nuclei has been provided below-

id: pipeline-testing
  name: pipeline testing
  author: pdteam
  severity: info

  - raw:
      - |+
        GET /{{path}} HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}
        Referer: {{BaseURL}}

    attack: batteringram
      path: path_wordlist.txt

    unsafe: true
    pipeline: true
    pipeline-concurrent-connections: 40
    pipeline-requests-per-connection: 25000

      - type: status
        part: header
          - 200

Connection pooling

While the earlier versions of nuclei did not do connection pooling, users can now configure templates to either use HTTP connection pooling or not. This allows for faster scanning based on requirement.

To enable connection pooling in the template, threads attribute can be defined with respective number of threads you wanted to use in the payloads sections.

Connection: Close header can not be used in HTTP connection pooling template, otherwise engine will fail and fallback to standard HTTP requests with pooling.

An example template using HTTP connection pooling-

id: fuzzing-example
  name: Connection pooling example
  author: pdteam
  severity: info


  - raw:
      - |
        GET /protected HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}
        Authorization: Basic {{base64('admin:§password§')}}

    attack: batteringram
      password: password.txt
    threads: 40

    matchers-condition: and
      - type: status
          - 200

      - type: word
          - "Unique string"
        part: body