Running Cloudlist
Learn about running Cloudlist with examples and support details
For all of the flags and options available for cloudlist
be sure to check out the Usage page. On this page you can find some examples with output, details of what ‘cloudlist’ supports, and details on configuration.
Basic Examples
This will list all the assets from configured providers in the configuration file. Specific providers and asset type can also be specified using provider
and id
cloudlist -provider aws,gcp
________ _____ __
/ ____/ /___ __ ______/ / (_)____/ /_
/ / / / __ \/ / / / __ / / / ___/ __/
/ /___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / (__ ) /_
\____/_/\____/\__,_/\__,_/_/_/____/\__/ v0.0.1
[WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
[WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
[INF] Listing assets from AWS (prod) provider.
[INF] Found 2 hosts and 6 IPs from AWS service (prod)
Running cloudlist with Nuclei
Scanning assets from various cloud providers with nuclei for security assessments:-
cloudlist -silent | httpx -silent | nuclei -t cves/
Supported providers
For a full list of supported cloud providers, see Cloud Providers.
Configuration file
The default provider config file should be located at $HOME/.config/cloudlist/provider-config.yaml
and has the following contents as an example. In order to run this tool, the keys need to updated in the config file for the desired providers.
Example Provider Config
- provider: do # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: xxxx
# digitalocean_token is the API key for digitalocean cloud platform
digitalocean_token: $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN
- provider: scw # provider is the name of the provider
# scaleway_access_key is the access key for scaleway API
scaleway_access_key: $SCALEWAY_ACCESS_KEY
# scaleway_access_token is the access token for scaleway API
scaleway_access_token: $SCALEWAY_ACCESS_TOKEN
- provider: aws # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# aws_access_key is the access key for AWS account
aws_access_key: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY
# aws_secret_key is the secret key for AWS account
aws_secret_key: $AWS_SECRET_KEY
# aws_session_token session token for temporary security credentials retrieved via STS (optional)
aws_session_token: $AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
- provider: gcp # provider is the name of the provider
# profile is the name of the provider profile
id: logs
# gcp_service_account_key is the minified json of a google cloud service account with list permissions
gcp_service_account_key: '{xxxxxxxxxxxxx}'
- provider: azure # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# client_id is the client ID of registered application of the azure account (not requuired if using cli auth)
client_id: $AZURE_CLIENT_ID
# client_secret is the secret ID of registered application of the zure account (not requuired if using cli uth)
client_secret: $AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
# tenant_id is the tenant ID of registered application of the azure account (not requuired if using cli auth)
tenant_id: $AZURE_TENANT_ID
#subscription_id is the azure subscription id
subscription_id: $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
#use_cli_auth if set to true cloudlist will use azure cli auth
use_cli_auth: true
- provider: cloudflare # provider is the name of the provider
# email is the email for cloudflare
email: $CF_EMAIL
# api_key is the api_key for cloudflare
api_key: $CF_API_KEY
# api_token is the scoped_api_token for cloudflare (optional)
api_token: $CF_API_TOKEN
- provider: heroku # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# heroku_api_token is the api key for Heroku account
heroku_api_token: $HEROKU_API_TOKEN
- provider: linode # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# linode_personal_access_token is the personal access token for linode account
linode_personal_access_token: $LINODE_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
- provider: fastly # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# fastly_api_key is the personal API token for fastly account
fastly_api_key: $FASTLY_API_KEY
- provider: alibaba # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# alibaba_region_id is the region id of the resources
alibaba_region_id: $ALIBABA_REGION_ID
# alibaba_access_key is the access key ID for alibaba cloud account
alibaba_access_key: $ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY
# alibaba_access_key_secret is the secret access key for alibaba cloud account
alibaba_access_key_secret: $ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
- provider: namecheap # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# namecheap_api_key is the api key for namecheap account
namecheap_api_key: $NAMECHEAP_API_KEY
# namecheap_user_name is the username of the namecheap account
namecheap_user_name: $NAMECHEAP_USER_NAME
- provider: terraform # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
#tf_state_file is the location of terraform state file (terraform.tfsate)
tf_state_file: path/to/terraform.tfstate
- provider: hetzner # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name defined by user for filtering (optional)
id: staging
# auth_token is the is the hetzner authentication token
- provider: nomad # provider is the name of the provider
# nomad_url is the url for nomad server
nomad_url: http:/
# nomad_ca_file is the path to nomad CA file
# nomad_ca_file: <path-to-ca-file>.pem
# nomad_cert_file is the path to nomad Certificate file
# nomad_cert_file: <path-to-cert-file>.pem
# nomad_key_file is the path to nomad Certificate Key file
# nomad_key_file: <path-to-key-file>.pem
# nomad_token is the nomad authentication token
# nomad_token: <nomad-token>
# nomad_http_auth is the nomad http auth value
# nomad_http_auth: <nomad-http-auth-value>
- provider: consul # provider is the name of the provider
# consul_url is the url for consul server
consul_url: http://localhost:8500/
# consul_ca_file is the path to consul CA file
# consul_ca_file: <path-to-ca-file>.pem
# consul_cert_file is the path to consul Certificate file
# consul_cert_file: <path-to-cert-file>.pem
# consul_key_file is the path to consul Certificate Key file
# consul_key_file: <path-to-key-file>.pem
# consul_http_token is the consul authentication token
# consul_http_token: <consul-token>
# consul_http_auth is the consul http auth value
# consul_http_auth: <consul-http-auth-value>
- provider: openstack # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name of the provider id
id: staging
# identity_endpoint is OpenStack identity endpoint used to authenticate
identity_endpoint: $OS_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT
# domain_name is OpenStack domain name used to authenticate
domain_name: $OS_DOMAIN_NAME
# tenant_name is OpenStack project name
tenant_name: $OS_TENANT_NAME
# username is OpenStack username used to authenticate
username: $OS_USERNAME
# password is OpenStack password used to authenticate
password: $OS_PASSWORD
- provider: kubernetes # provider is the name of the provider
# id is the name of the provider id
id: staging
# kubeconfig_file is the path of kubeconfig file
kubeconfig: path/to/kubeconfig
# context is the context to be used from kubeconfig file
context: <context-name>
Cloudlist as a library
It’s possible to use the library directly in your go programs. The following code snippets outline how to list assets from all or given cloud provider.
package main
import (
func main() {
inventory, err := inventory.New(schema.Options{
schema.OptionBlock{"provider": "digitalocean", "digitalocean_token": "ec405badb974fd3d891c9223245f9ab5871c127fce9e632c8dc421edd46d7242"},
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s\n", err)
for _, provider := range inventory.Providers {
resources, err := provider.Resources(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s\n", err)
for _, resource := range resources.Items {
_ = resource // Do something with the resource
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