Burp Suite Extension

interactsh-collaborator is Burp Suite extension developed and maintained by @wdahlenb

  • Download latest JAR file from releases page.
  • Open Burp Suite → Extender → Add → Java → Select JAR file → Next
  • New tab named Interactsh will be appeared upon successful installation.
  • See the interactsh-collaborator project for more info.


##  ZAP Add-On

Interactsh can be used with OWASP ZAP via the OAST add-on for ZAP. With ZAP’s scripting capabilities, you can create powerful out-of-band scan rules that leverage Interactsh’s features. A standalone script template has been provided as an example (it is added automatically when you install the add-on).

  • Install the OAST add-on from the ZAP Marketplace.
  • Go to Tools → Options → OAST and select Interactsh.
  • Configure the options for the client and click on “New Payload” to generate a new payload.
  • OOB interactions will appear in the OAST Tab and you can click on any of them to view the full request and response.
  • You can set Interactsh as the default for ActiveScan in the Options > OAST > General menu.
  • When checking the Use Permanent Database option, you can review interactions that occurred after ZAP was terminated.
  • See the OAST add-on documentation for more info.

zap Interactsh in ZAP