Key Features

Scans are at the heart of the ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform (PDCP). Upload Assets to your environment, select the templates you want to use, and configure a scan to check for exploitable vulnerabilities.

Features include:

  • Connecting existing Nuclei scans
  • Creating new scans
  • Viewing active vulnerabilities
  • Real-Time vulnerability scan
  • Scheduling scans
  • Exporting scan details
  • Determining active CVEs
  • Rescanning

Getting Started

Before you get started with scanning you will need two things:

  • To add your Assets
  • To select the templates you want to use


Assets can be added in several ways. Refer to the Assets documentation for details on adding your Assets through upload, discovery, or cloud integrations.


PDCP includes our large community-curated library of public Nuclei templates. You can use all of those templates, our subset of recommended templates, a specific selection of templates, or you can create or add your own custom templates.

  • Check out the main Nuclei templates section to learn more about templates or,
  • Review the Templates & Editor section for more information on using templates and the editor within PDCP


Scanning Basics

What do I need to do before I can run a scan in PDCP?

You will need to add assets and identify your templates. From the Scan page, select “Create Scan” to get started.

What are the differences between running Nuclei versus running a scan on PDCP?

Scanning with PDCP differs from Nuclei in several ways. The main differences are the use of a different interactsh server along with distributed and faster scanning.

In addition, some scanning capabilities that are part of Nuclei are not included in PDCP (this is mainly due to security concerns). If you have specific questions on support and future capabilities feel free to reach out to us with questions.

Capabilities that are offered in Nuclei that are not currently supported in PDCP include:

  • file templates
  • headless templates
  • code templates
  • workflows
  • templates using a local wordlist

How do I run a scan/upload existing scan results from Nuclei?

Scans can be run in Nuclei and connected to PDCP or you can run a scan directly in PDCP from the Scans page.

Scan results form Nuclei can be connected to ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform


My scan results in PDCP are different from my Nuclei results. What happened?

There are a number of possibilities for this, let’s look at some of the most likely causes.

If you have more results in your scan from Nuclei than from PDCP, potential causes include:

  • Scanning with templates that are not enabled in PDCP
  • Scanning an internal host that not accessible to PDCP
  • A potential PDCP bug

If you have fewer results in your scan from Nuclei than from PDCP, potential causes include:

  • Use of dynamic IPs versus local static IPs that were blocked from the target URL for scanning
  • Use of a different interactsh server (PDCP), public servers (Nuclei) may be blocked using WAFs

What happens if duplicate scan results are uploaded?

If a user uploads the same scan results - by uploading scan results from Nuclei to update an existing scan using the named scan ID - PDCP discards duplicate data so the original results will remain.

Otherwise any scan information from Nuclei that is uploaded creates a new scan result page in PDCP.

What are the scan statuses and what do they mean?

  • Stopped - This status indicates that a user has stopped the scan either in PDCP or via the API. Note: Scans in “starting” cannot be stopped.
  • Failed - This status indicates that a scan has failed. Click on the icon on the scan list or result page to view error details for the failed scan.
  • Starting - Indicates that the scan is initializing.
  • Running - Indicates the scan is in progress.